Friday 13 April 2012

.......Streamer again!

These are such beautiful creatures - I find it impossible to comprehend that I have lived for so long and not  seen what lives with us. The shape and colours of this moth make it one of my favourites - well at least for now; every time I find something new it becomes my favourite!

Monday 9 April 2012

.....before the rain came...

.........I snapped the following - a busy weekend but not in the garden!

Early grey

Thursday 5 April 2012

A cold but sunny day......

...there was little activity in the garden today - even the shield bugs from last week have disappeared - may be the cold. The Thrush, below, gave me a hard time chittering away at me - I realised why when I spotted a nest in a large Elder tree. We dont see many Thrushes and I hope this one is here to stay.

Making the most of a sheldered sunny spot.

Lichen in an apple tree. The flash brought out the various colours.

Limax flavus - yellow slug

Monday 2 April 2012